
Effects Of Migration On Illegal Immigrants

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BWP2 The majority in the United States believes that if all illegal Mexican immigrants get deported, then the United States will gain prosperity. However, the U.S economy would be negatively affected by their migration. Many people across the country, are organizing to withstand the deportation of the illegal immigrants.I personally connect with this situation because several of my loved ones are involved. Some people claim that illegal Mexican immigrants are taking Americans' jobs away. In reality, these people are willing to do the jobs that the citizens do not want to do. Half of the population of employees working in orchards or packing sheds are Hispanics. In comparison to the agriculture hard labor duties, housekeeping departments consist of about fifty percent of Hispanics. If all illegal Hispanics get deported, then the agricultural industries and housekeeping departments would decrease in production and income. Also, the amount of tax money that is collected annually would decrease, also affecting the economy. Even though the majority of the Hispanics are undocumented, they still pay …show more content…

Like any citizen, Hispanics pay taxes when they go shopping, pump gas; a portion of their incomes go to social security and Medicare.Americans need to understand that deporting illegal immigrants would have a terribly negative effect on the

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