
Electronic Health Record System At A Glance Essay

Decent Essays

Electronic Health Record System at a Glance Bri Essman, Alejandra Face,Tim Harmon, Alex James, Kristin Sullivan Denver School of Nursing Electronic Health Record System at a Glance The quality of healthcare information systems is the determining factor of healthcare that has enabled patient care to be developed to the optimal level we see today. This paper will explore the functional steps used to establish a healthcare information system and the considerations taken into account on the patient 's’ behalves. It will also cover the interoperability of health care systems and analyze the way these systems ensure data integrity for patients. The climax of the paper will establish the importance of privacy when exchanging information between systems while also emphasizing the dynamic of the legal system within the healthcare setting. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC-HIT) has defined a list of functional considerations that must be considered when implementing an EHR into practice. Numerous facets must be taken into account, such as maintaining access controls, protecting patient information while allowing patient access, all while following the standards set by HIPAA must be a priority in any EHR system. Research by Sun, Zhu, Zhang, and Fang (2011) shows that patients have been resistant to acceptance of an EHR system without assurance that their information will be safeguarded, used properly, and appropriate

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