
Emily Dickinson Poetry Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

Poetry Comparison Dickinson uses capitalization and punctuation to set the mood and convey emotion in her writing. “My life closed twice before its close-” (Life) by Emily Dickinson compares death to separation from a loved one and wonders if immortality will be just as painful (Owens 358). The main themes of this poem are death and separation. “There’s a certain Slant of light-” (Slant) by Emily Dickinson is a poignant description of the feelings of loneliness and despair that come and go in people’s lives (Owens 358). The themes of this poem are loneliness and despair. In both poems, Dickinson uses text format, genre, and literary terms to express feelings of sadness and loss. Genre is the type or category into which literary works are …show more content…

Imagery is the figurative or descriptive language used to create word pictures, or images (Owens 1379). In “Life”, the author uses imagery when she says “so huge, so hopeless to conceive” (5). In “Slant”, Dickinson write “we can find no scar” (5). Alliteration is a repetition of initial consonant sounds in consecutive or slightly separated words (Owens 1379). Alliteration is used in “Life” when the poet writes “as these that twice befell” (6). The line “Heavenly Hurt” (4) demonstrates alliteration in “Slant”. “Life” uses metaphor, which is when one thing is spoken or written about as if it were another (Owens 1379), in the line “My life closed twice before its close” (1). “Slant uses simile, which is a comparison of two seemingly unlike things using the word like or as (Owens 1384), when the poet says “That oppresses, like the Heft / Of Cathedral Tunes” …show more content…

Tone is the emotional attitude toward the reader or toward the subject implied by a literary work (Owens 1385). The tone of “Life” is wondering and painful. We can see this through the use of the words “hopeless” (5) , “unveil” (3), and “conceive” (5). The tone of “Slant” is despair and loneliness. This is shown though specific word choices such as “oppresses” (2), “affliction” (10), and “death” (15). The author’s purpose is his or her aim, or goal (Owens 1383). Dickinson’s purpose in “Life” was to compare death and separation. Dickinson’s purpose in “Slant” was to describe sad feelings that come and go in life. “Life” is written with a biblical worldview because the lines “Parting is all we know of heaven / and all we need of hell” (7,8) allude to the verse “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life” (NIV, Matthew 25.46). This demonstrates that all we know of heaven is the parting we experience when people we love pass away, and all we need of hell is to stay far away from it. “Light” is Christian because in the line “on the look of Death” (15), light symbolizes death and

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