
Emotional Intelligence: The Development Of Emotional Intelligence Development

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Development of emotional intelligence, however, is more complex. It may start with one’s self by knowing the mental state in a situation in order to assess capabilities and limitations. Because knowing is not enough, one must also know how to control emotions to prevent conflicts. Staying calm under pressure distresses situations and a right mindset uses motivation to develop emotional intelligence by staying committed to fulfill duties or achieve a goal with the use of emotional maturity. (Ravenscraft n.p.)

Emotional intelligence development is also affected by social factors. Other individuals affect one’s empathy, the ability to sense the feelings of others for us to feel for ourselves. Empathy plays an important role in children’s EQ. …show more content…

To care for pets is to be responsible for the life of another. It is necessary to give time, money, and energy. Since pets are a commitment, choosing the right animal is imperative to this big decision. Children may opt for low-maintenance pets, like fish, since they are the easiest to care for since they don’t require too much attention. However, pets like cats or dogs need a lot more care, therefore constant interaction between them is a must. Children must be aware of the responsibilities that come with a pet. (Pet Responsibilities n.p.) Once a child starts pet care, the development of their social skills and emotional intelligence unfolds.

Children care for pets by fulfilling their basic needs for food, exercise, hygiene, and love. The ways that children care for their pets show how mindful they are of the difference between animals’ needs and human beings’ needs. (Melson 51) Since pets depend on the provision of their owners, proper food and adequate water, suitable shelter, physical activity like exercise for pet dogs, health and hygiene like check-up’s at the veterinarian and proper grooming, as well as love and attention cannot be given to a pet without its owner. (Taking Care Of Your Pet

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