
Emotions In The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien

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Mareez Reyes once said, “One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go. We fight to hold on and we fight to let go” (Reyes). This quote shows relationship to Tim O’Brien because he struggles with letting go of situations that occurred during the war. O’Brien wants to put his hurt in the past, but the memories haunt him in his everyday life, so he writes stories in order to cope. The Vietnam war was a war that many people did not support, innocent young men were drafted to fight for their lives and country without having a choice. Tim fought with everything he had to keep himself and his men alive, O’Brien is left with powerful emotions from his past, so he shares his story by writing. In The Things They Carried written by Tim O’Brien, the …show more content…

A while after the war, Tim reminisces on his feelings about Linda and how they never changed. Instead of talking to someone about his feelings, he writes. He begins to write things he remembered from when he was 9, then goes on to confess the love he feels for Linda. Tim exclaims, “I wanted to live inside her body. I wanted to melt into her bones-- that kind of love” (O’Brien 216). When O’Brien says this, he means that his love for her isn’t an ordinary kind of love, but it’s a love that makes him experience all kinds of emotions. This quote backs up the theme because Tim’s true feelings for Linda are revealed, and it becomes obvious that his love for her is real. Later, Tim realizes that she is gone, but his feelings for her do not change. The love he feels begins to make him do things that scare him, just to say goodbye. As he walks up to her casket, he said he felt “that same awkward feeling as when I’d walked up the sidewalk to ring her doorbell on our first date” (O’Brien 228). This meaning that even though she is not fully there, she remains to give him wonderful feelings. This supports the theme because it demonstrates what true love can make someone feel. Although Linda is gone, his love for her stays

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