
Entropy In The Dead By James Joyce

Decent Essays

Throughout the history of humankind, people have never had the ability to completely gain control over the natural order of things. The constant state that the universe will always fall back on in called entropy. Entropy is defined as, simply put, randomness. The randomness of the universe goes against who humans are. Through various efforts, people are constantly attempting to go against the natural order of things, sorting, organizing, and planning. However, whether it be hurricanes or tsunamis, or the simple fact that everyone must come to their inevitable end, the human race is a slave to entropy, and therefore nature. Many pieces of literature exemplify and perpetuate this idea, including both The Dead by James Joyce and A Country Doctor …show more content…

Light, cheery settings are usually used to convey a sort of positive theme, one which implies the good intentions of the characters. However, in The Country Doctor, the setting is described as “A severe snowstorm” which indicates that the themes related to it are more negative and depressing. As well, the setting of the story causes the Doctor to be unable to do his job properly, showing that the forces of nature can adequately prevent us from achieving what we need to do in life. Similarly, the thoughts of Gabriel refer to the snow as “silver and dark, falling obliquely against the lamplight." which, in The Dead symbolizes a morbid theme of how everyone dies, which ties into the idea that death as a part of nature is uncontrollable. Both pieces of literature use setting to convey a sense of darkness which helps to address the morbid idea that no one is truly in control of their own life. The descriptions of the snowy nights are also examples of creating a mood in a piece. The reader is more likely to think of a negative situation if the author puts their characters in poor weather, rather than extremely good weather. The reader will be able to associate a poor weather condition with a more negative memory, therefore giving the impression that they have been in a situation where they understood that the weather was out of their control. The setting of the literature in question was used because of its negative implications and for the fact that weather is uncontrollable by

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