
Epistemology Paper

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Epistemology Schools Paper

Arika Boyd


Dixie Hoyt


Epistemology or theory of knowledge is a branch of philosophy related to the scope and nature of knowledge. The subject focuses on examining the nature of knowledge, and how it relates to beliefs, justification, and truth. Epistemology contract with the means of production of knowledge, as well as skepticism about different knowledge claims. The question is what does people Know? The core of this questions and area of study is Skepticism, in which there have been many approaches involved in trying to disprove a particular form of this school. This paper will discuss the Epistemology school of Skepticism, the contributors whom created the school; the …show more content…

Plato and Aristotle strayed from Socrates path when they claimed to know the truth. Plato viewed knowledge as an awareness of absolute and existing independent of any subject trying to apprehend to the philosophers. Though, Aristotle put more emphasis on logical and empirical methods for gathering knowledge. Aristotle still accepts the view of such knowledge is an apprehension of necessary principles. Around the Renaissance period, the two main epistemological positions dominated in philosophy are empiricism, in which sees knowledge as the product of sensory perception, and rationalism sees epistemology as the product of rational reflection (Tempo). Another philosopher by the name of Arcesilaus, gave a renewed form of skepticism, arguing against the opinions of all men. Arcesilaus also claimed that skeptics could make choices in accordance with reason in the absence of truth. Carneades, also a master of arguing on both sides of the issue, refined into the standard of the credible.

One of the Schools of Skepticism is Pyrrhonism, whom was found by the Greek physician Sextus Empiricus (2nd century CE). Sextus was once thought of as a compiler many recent studies have found within the philosophical originality. Sextus explained that Skepticism was not a philosophy but rather a way of life in which one opposed all claims to truth with equal opposite claims. Sextus also attributed to the Greek philosopher Aenesidemus

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