
Equal Rights In The Adoption Process

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Equal Rights in the Adoption Process Martin and Lewis walk into the building, heads held high with smiles on their faces. Lewis grabs Martin’s hand and squeezes it, a nervous gesture. Walking to the front, Martin takes a clipboard from the unperturbed lady at the desk. As they fill out their information, a few Housewife Kelly and Lawyer John couples stare at Martin and Lewis with disdain. Martin whispers words of encouragement to Lewis who is visibly upset while they wait to be called back to a small, dimly lit room in the back. When they are finally interviewed, the glasses-faced women tell them that “this just isn’t going to work out”. Martin and Lewis leave, disconsolate and enraged; this was the sixth adoption center to turn them down. Gay couples should be given the same rights to adopt children as heterosexual couples because it is the gay couple’s right as humans to pursue happiness, their sexuality is not a correlation to their parenting skills, and adoption is a preferable alternative to foster care or homelessness. …show more content…

Constitution. For some people, that means owning a house, buying a car, bringing extended relatives to live in America, or adopting a child. Adoption is a common alternative to reproduction. Many people choose adoption because they cannot conceive a child. Why is a gay couple any different? They should not be discriminated against during the adoption process. Prejudice against gay couples wanting to adopt is wrong because their goals are honest and wholesome. They have a right to adopt a child because it is their happiness, and it is not detrimental to anyone

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