
Erich Remarque's All Quiet On The Western Front

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Throughout history, war has always been described as an atrocity and an unnecessary reason for the loss of life. This is not the case. War is necessary for the survival of the economy, the sustainability of non-renewable resources, and the progression of inventions. War helps economies grow. For example, in 1929, the whole world faced a grim reality when the U.S. stock exchange collapsed. As a result, many people lost their life’s savings and many were out of work. After twelve years of extreme poverty, the U.S entered a new age of prosperity due to the U.S. entering into World War II. This is because the war required businesses to hire more workers in order to make ammunition and other war-related resources. This stimulated the American economy (McManus). War enables societies to bolster their supply of non-renewable resources. Because non-renewable resources diminish at a faster rate than they can be replenished, many countries will go to war over these resources which include oil, coal, and natural gas. Although this may seem foolish, it is necessary because of the consumption of non-renewable resources are unable to be kept at a sustainable level …show more content…

This can be seen in Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front, we are shown the daily life of being a soldier on the front lines of a World War I battlefield. Because life was very unsanitary in the trenches, sanitary towels were created in order to keep soldiers from becoming sick and, thus, allowing them to fight. This not only benefited these soldiers but it has also allowed those of us in the modern world to fight off and prevent diseases. Another invention we owe to war is stainless steel. In World War I, when the British searched for a new way to help limit the amount of rusting in their gun barrels, they searched for new types of metals (Evans). This revolutionized not only guns and other war metallic products but, has become a major component of the modern

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