
Erwin Rommel: A Courageous War Hero

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Erwin Rommel was not only a courageous war hero, but he was a hero to his family, and his country. Erwin Rommel had a fairly big impact on WWII because of his selfless acts of bravery. He once said, “ Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning.” He truly put those words in action when he attempted to kill Hitler in 1944, along with many other feats.

Erwin Rommel was born in Heidenheim,Germany on November 15, 1891. He was the son of a school teacher, but he followed in his grandfather's footsteps to become a military man. He started as an army officer in WWI, but progressed to a field marshal in WWII. In 1910, Rommel joined the Wurttemberg

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