
Cell Phones Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

In today’s world, distractions remain prevalent in simple everyday occurrences. Amongst these distractions is the use of cell phones whether simply walking down the hallway absorbed in a conversation or behind the wheel driving down the highway. Cell phones, no matter the context, are a major distraction. They have managed to pull us away from spending time with our families and appearing in places they are not prevalent such as family dinners and behind the wheel of a car. These little handheld devices are useful tools that today’s generation is lucky to have, but they can cause grave danger. They can even decide whether you live another minute. In all cases, it is not this extreme, see however, it is. According to U.S. cell phone and driving statistics in 2012, 3,328 people died in cell-phone distraction-related crashes. About 421,000 obtained injuries in crashes involving a distracted driver. Since that survey numbers have only kept increasing. This statistic alone makes the situation a little clearer and establishes a concrete reason why Wyoming needs to eliminate cell-phone usage behind the wheel. Multiple drivers made substantial counter-examples that do create a point, but default in ways. Larisa Antonisse from Maryland stated, “If the use, of a cell phone while driving is illegal, it only makes sense to ban eating, drinking, changing the radio station, and glancing at the scenery.” Her statement makes sense for a more populous state such as Maryland. However,

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