
Essay On Gentrification

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Gentrification. More than a word but a statement that there is something new in town. A statement that allows one to see that there would be changes that will tear some families down but build some up. It had originated during times where blacks had been moving up on the ladder and was not wanted. Around the 1960’s there had been powerful upgrowing black businesses that many do not know today due to gentrification. Many things have kept culture alive in the district during the times of gentrification such us the music but things that people love. Teenagers and adults all over the globe, but mainly in the district have felt the empowerment and movements of Muhammad Ali. A man who had been more than a boxer, someone who fought in the ring and his people. …show more content…

A place that had been known for its culture and people. If a person was to hear about Ust and how it was a center for black culture but, decides to go to Ust today they would be lost. Some of the things that had held black communities together had been stripped away from them. Renovations to some of the most profound places had been done to erase history that had tore certain races down. Morally the renovated buildings had pushed many African Americans out of there homes to build expensive housing or new government buildings. Changes to the community had caused more young people to be out on the street with nothing to morally defend their lives with. They had lost everything they once had and they turn to things that will eventually eliminate them from all of their issues. Gentrification adds change to the community, some good changes that many will love but some that will destroy people and their culture.Some renovations had been great contributions to the community such as the rebuilding of recreation centers. It had gave everyone a place to go to express their culture including basketball, football, art, dance, boxing, and much

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