
Is Man The Measure Of All?

Decent Essays

Barrett Kitterman
Philosophy 3001
Paper 2, Question 1
Is Man the Measure of All?
What does Protagoras mean when he states that “Man is the measure of all things,” and why does Plato reject such a notion? Before we answer these questions, we must first ask ourselves, what is reality? Does the world have a reality independent of the one you and I perceive? Are qualities such as right and wrong, correct and incorrect entirely subjective? Or are they objective properties of people, places, and things? The answers to these questions are what’s at stake for both Protagoras and Plato, and both offer significantly different perspectives. We will analyze what Protagoras proffers about the nature of reality, touching upon the Measure Doctrine, his conception …show more content…

What does he mean when he states that “…a human being is the measure of all things—of things that are, how they are, and of things that are not, how they are not”? (Irwin, p. 97, box 158). By “things,” Protagoras is referring to the properties of people, places, objects, and processes in the universe, and perhaps even referring to the people, places, objects, and processes themselves; we will examine the implications of both interpretations. By calling humans “measure[s],” Protagoras means our perceptions dictate how people, places, objects, processes, and their properties seem to us. That is, “things that are, [and] how they are” are relative to individuals’ unique perceptions of those things; the things and their qualities, in and of themselves, do not exist. Take temperature, or hotness, as an example of a thing (or a property of one); in Protagoras’ view, there is no objective or universal hotness, rather, there is only the perception of hotness. Moreover, the perception of hotness may vary, or be unique to every individual perceiver. Let’s be concrete by considering the temperature of a hypothetical cup of coffee. A cup of coffee that I perceive to be hot may not feel hot to you. I feel the cup and immediately recoil,

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