
Essay On Real Estate

Decent Essays

Real Estate Licensure Process in the State of Illinois
What information is most relevant on Illinois’ Real Estate Commission web-site?
The most relevant information on the Illinois’ Real Estate Commission web-site is the Illinois Condominium and Common Interest Community Ombudsperson which provides insightful information about units to the general public. The condominium property act together with the Common Interest Community Associations Act are very important in the field of real estate in Illinois and it helps the public to understand issues such as the size in square feet and how the spaces are divided in order for a property to be referred to as a condominium. This is so to reduce the possibility that someone would buy a property …show more content…

People interested in purchasing properties sometime are laymen and do not understand much about the real estate industry and therefore, it is the duty of the realtor to ensure that the needs of the client are attended to properly and as the law requires. The realtor upon being hired to find a suitable space for a client, he or she becomes their agent. The agent is expected to act in the best possible interest of the individuals they are representing. A realtor as an agent of the client cannot act in the best interest of the client if they are not acquainted with the condominium property act together with the Common Interest Community Associations Act. For me to obtain by Real Estate License I will have to demonstrate my knowledge of the two very important acts.
It is very important to note that in order for one to be given the license as a qualified realtor they must have studied in an approved school which offers the approved courses. The license information given on the website is very important as it lists the approved schools and the approved courses that an individual should do for them to be eligible to acquire their Real Estate License that will enable them to practice. There are many schools out there offering courses on real estate but not all of them are approved by the state of

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