
Essay On Social Conflict Theory

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Social Conflict Theory in DACA
There are roughly 800,000 people living within the United States that is under the protection of an executive order during the Obama administration called Deferred Action Against Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. These children, commonly referred to as “Dreamers,” have grown up in the United States. They attended elementary school here, many graduated high school here, and many went on to become successful adults living in the United States, but as of September 5th, 2017 the DACA program was shut down by the Trump administration, pending a trial in Congress. This means that those hundreds of thousands of individuals living under the DACA arm will no longer be legal residents in the United States.
These hardworking residents in the United States have done nothing to cause this kind of action. These “Dreamers” were flown into the United States as children and raised as though they were legal citizens. These people were all children who were simply looking to live the American Dream and under DACA …show more content…

The country is divided over which “side” of the issue they should take; whether the side with those 800,000 individuals or with the people claiming they are not full legal citizens and should not have been allowed into the country at all. The Social Conflict Theory claims, as stated earlier, that the society as a whole grows and thrives on conflict within itself. This conflict, while still in its beginning phases, will ultimately decide how the country as a whole views immigrants. This issue will challenge the leaders of our country to view both sides and choose which side they believe is right. It will also encourage many citizens of the United States to reconsider their moral beliefs and judge the situation as it truly is. This social problem will ultimately change the course of society which is fundamentally what the Social Conflict Theory

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