
Essay On The Populist Movement

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Why was the Populist movement so popular in the late 1800s? Before answering this question, answer this, what is the Populist movement? The populist movement was for a chance of political, social, and economical equality within American society. Strongly appealing to the farmers and industrial workers, the populists tried to bring the people back in power, rather than the money that was controlling civilization. This movement was very popular in the 1800s because it was trying to gain the rights back of the working class because of the rise in prices of crops and how the West was over producing food, which caused them to be transport their food more, however, the railroads were charging high prices to ship.Three points to give a better understanding …show more content…

This Party would impact the election of 1892 and 1896 in a huge way. There was two parties, the Democrats who were the south and farmers, and the Republicans who were the north and wealthy business. A plan was created to protect the farmer from downturns in agricultural prices. Under this plan farmers could hold crops off the market when prices were low and then receive loans from the government protected by crops in storage. To gain support from industrial workers, the platform also created an eight-hour workday, pensions, and the restriction of immigration. This strategic political goal of the Populist Party was to displace the Democratic Party by making an alliance between farmers and industrial workers. The Populists, also tried to fix the social conflict between Southern blacks and whites, arguing that shared economic interests were more important than racial differences. The next important wave of populist reformism emerged in the 1890s. Various regional farm groups, known as Farmers' Alliances, took root and grew rapidly. These included the Southern Alliance and the Agricultural Wheel in the south, and the Northwestern Alliance in northern regions. The Alliance also captured eight southern legislatures. In the West Alliance candidates dominated elections in Kansas and Nebraska and secured important power bases in the legislatures of Minnesota and South

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