
Essay On The Three Branches Of Government

Decent Essays

The government is the foundation of the United States due to all the regulations and policies. People see government as a good thing while some see it as a bad thing. There are three different branches of government: Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branch. The idea of having a government formed is dated back during the process of making the Constitution formed. The Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia and where the Constitution was created. There are three proposals that make up the government of the United States. Those proposals are the Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, and the Great Compromise. These plans have shaped how the way the government is and how they form the three branches of our government and how Congress is formed. The Virginia Plan was the beginning stage of leading up to the formation of branches of the government. This plan was proposed by Edmund Randolph but drafted by James Madison. This is plan was created for the bigger states. The importance of this proposal is that the idea of having a two house legislature which is respectively known as the House of Representatives and the Senate. It greatly affected the smaller states because of the size of the states. According to Government and Constitution website, the Virginia Plan affect larger states because the more people they are in each state …show more content…

Since both Virginia and New Jersey plan did not work that came up with the Great Compromise. This proposal led to the formation of the United States Congress. It formed two house legislature: Senate and House of Representatives. Both senate and House of Representative are different because of how it is being represented. In the senate, every states must have two people representing meanwhile in the House of Representatives, it depends on how populous the state is. Technically it is the combination of both plans that benefits both the large states and the smaller

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