
Essential Skills

Decent Essays

Essential Skills for Students Entering Life Colleges can teach students certain type of skills depending on their major. Developing essential and necessary skills are a must if want to be successful in life. Such skills include critical thinking problem solving, collaboration and teamwork, creativity and imagination, oral and written communication skills, flexibility and adaptability, leadership, and technology literacy. I will describe in the following paragraphs how important it is to have these skills. Critical thinking aid students to have an open mind by applying, evaluating and analyzing information to reach a conclusive answer. Problem solving require students to define the problem at the moment, generating possibilities, determine conclusion and put that into effect …show more content…

When written combine with oral communication it can be one of the most skillful set for students Flexibility ensure students to take criticisms, feedbacks, and praises from coworkers or bosses and use it to their advantage. It also helps them accept the different views and reach an understanding to a solution. Adaptability ranging from changing roles from a job, schedules and the ability to work in different environment settings. Leadership skill can be a very contributing asset to students, every group need a leader just like every employee need a boss. Leaders create a vision for the future, they coach impel and manage the team to obtain the vision Technology advancement around the world will be beneficial to students who use it to their advantage. Book literacy combine with technology literacy will help student analyze, interpret and organize problems much better. In conclusion these skill set are very important for students entering life I'm not saying all skills are needed to survive in the real world, but it can be a tremendous stepping stone for students who do acquire these

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