
Ethics And The Ethical Standards For Human Service Professionals

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Course Reflection Paper Ethics In Human Services.

When I entered this class I did not know anything about ethics or what it meant. I learned so many thing that it would take to long to list them all. I do understand the Ethics Code and the Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals. That is one think I will have to always have with me and if I need to have a cheat sheet to look back on as I move forward. My biggest challenge was my grammar as I need to continue to work on this through out my life. I learned this was a problem for me through my assignments but am working on it. I hope some day it will come natural for me. This class was my biggest challenge as in terms of a grade. Because of this I learned that I have things to work on to improve myself moving forward.

Course Competencies:

1.Distinguish the similarities and differences between values, laws, and professional standards and ethics pertaining to human services.

The chapter 1 "Suggested Activities" assignment helped me learn this competency the best.

I learned this by looking at me and what I feel is right or wrong. I will continue to use this competency moving forward through out my career.

2.Demonstrate a working knowledge of the Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals and the consequences of non-compliance.

The NOHS Code in the book and when we made our classroom Code of Ethics helped me learn this competency the best.

I now have a working knowledge of the standards

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