
Ethos, Epistemology, Logic, Ontology, And Concept Of Self

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“Culture comprises traditional ideas and related values, and it is the product of actions” (Kroeber and Kluckhohn, 1952); “it is learned, shared, and transmitted from one generation to the next (Linton, 1945); and it organizes life and helps interpret existence” (Gordon, 1964).
Within each culture, paradigms exist. Paradigms determine what we perceive and experience as real. Cultures are different due to paradigms. There are eight culture dimensions, which are: Psychobehavioral modality, Axiology, Ethos, Epistemology, Logic, Ontology, Concept of time and Concept of self. Psychobehavioral modality refers to the mode of activity most preferred within a culture. Axiology involves the interpersonal values that a culture teaches. Ethos refers to …show more content…

Racism is “the systematic subordination of members of targeted racial groups who have relatively little social power … by members of the gent racial group who have relatively more social power” (Wijeyesinghe, Griffin, and Love, 1997, Pg. 58). Prejudice is defined as an “antipathy; that is, a negative feeling, either expressed or not expressed, based upon a faulty and inflexible generalization which places (a group of people) at some disadvantage not merited by their actions (Allport, 1954, Pg. 58). According to the text, individual racism refers to “the beliefs, attitudes, and actions of individuals that support or perpetuate racism.” Institutional racism “involves the manipulation of societal institutions to give preferences and advantages to Whites and at the same time restrict the choice, rights, mobility, and access of people of color.” Cultural racism is “the belief that the cultural ways of one group are superior to those of another.” Each type of racism will exist forever. The authority and power of racism is strong since it’s been around for decades. Racism, whether obvious or subtle, will continue to prevent diverse people from having a successful interaction and

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