
Evaluate The Impact Of Human Capital Disclosure On Shareholders Value In Shareholder Market

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The paper ascertained the impact of human capital disclosure on shareholders’ value using panel pool, fixed and random models in Nigeria oil and gas companies from 2004 to 2016. The work uses secondary source of data in an attempt to achieve the set objective of the study and to solve the problem under study. The secondary data were obtained from the annual financial reports of selected listed oil and gas companies as released by the Nigerian Stock Exchange over the period 2005 – 2014. Measurement of Variables
The dependent variable; Shareholders’ value as used in this study was measured similarly to the one used by Olayiwola, (2016) which have been widely embraced in the literature as shareholders’ value and is measured …show more content…

DPS = Dividend Per Share (proxy for shareholders’ value)
HCD = Human Capital Disclosure/Costs (In aggregate)
U = error term
HCR ……………….. +/-
Human capital costs comprises of Salaries and Wages, Training Cost, Retirement Benefits, Medical/Health and Labour Turnover

The aggregate of the indices for measuring human capital disclosure shall be regressed against the dividend per share of companies to determine the impact of labour cost accounting information disclosure on the profitability potential of oil and gas companies.

Relationship between dividend per share and shareholders’ value of oil and gas companies
Dependent Variable: DPS
Method: Panel Least Squares
Date: 06/22/17 Time: 05:19
Sample: 2004 2016
Periods included: 13
Cross-sections included: 9
Total panel (balanced) observations: 117

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

Salaries & Wages (N '000) 0.333528 0.105231 3.169481 0.0020
Training Cost (N '000) 0.242760 0.098147 2.473436 0.0149
Retirement benefits (N' 000) 0.171664 0.197811 0.867815 0.3874
Pension Provident Fund (N '000) -0.015787 0.119144 -0.132508 0.8948
Medical/Health (N '000) 0.179497 0.095314 1.883211 0.0623
Labour Turnover Ratio -0.014291 0.075641 -0.188930 0.8505
C -2.272480 0.682633 -3.328994 0.0012

R-squared 0.416917 Mean dependent var 2.334626
Adjusted R-squared 0.385112 S.D. dependent var 0.611377
S.E. of regression 0.479410 Akaike info criterion

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