
Evaluating Paley's Design Argument

Decent Essays

Ultimately, Paley’s argument uses an inductive argument to suggest that all things with properties of intelligence and complexity must have an intelligent designer who designs them for a specific purpose. When evaluating Paley’s design argument, it is evident that it has its flaws. From the inductive argument presented, objections can be made in the first premise by claiming that not all processes have a clear purpose. For instance, when natural disasters such as earthquakes and tornadoes occur, what purpose do they serve exactly, and why would God’s work include such disaster? In fact, that leads us to ask why the universe would be designed with such imperfections? It is these types of questions that David Hume utilizes to undermine the design …show more content…

The dilemma theists are presented with is that if the world has imperfections due to the evil that exists, which serves no clear purpose, then God, the designer of the world, therefore must be imperfect. But this is not the image that is to be perceived of God if he were to exist. Instead, God, in the human mind, would only exist if he was a perfect being. Without the characteristic of a perfect being, one is able to claim that God does not exist as the designer of the world. However, the main criticism that Hume proposes is to not claim that it is impossible for God not to exist as a perfect being but rather our lack of experience in the creation of the world cannot allow us to claim that God is perfect. Because the design argument is an empirical argument for the existence of God, our experiences with the world, including those that involve evil, cannot allow us to possibly ignore the fact that God may not be a perfect being. If this this case, then God’s image

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