
Evaluation Of The New Deal Essay examples

Decent Essays

Franklin D. Roosevelt brought the new deal into American life in the early thirties. Its purpose was to overcome the depression. Following the depression there were many programs and acts to help the nation recover from the depression. The "forgotten Americans" were the citizens who needed the new deal to benefit their poverty-stricken way of life. These people were the blacks, women, immigrants, and the many people who suffered from the lack of monetary supplement.

Unemployment was one of the biggest issues to strike the "forgotten Americans."

The new deal provided helping programs such as the Social securities act, WPA, and the federal Emergency Relief Act to lower unemployment and to help those who couldn't …show more content…

The CIO was one of the top unions in the nation. The new deal had again failed with the creation of the AF of L. The AF of L was a division of many craft unions, sanctioned by the teamsters that had great political influence in during the depression.

Government jobs and political rights were a goal for the new deal to let more Americans have access to the pleasures that any white man could have. The Shocking "grand father" laws were passed and forced Americans to take tests for the eligibility to vote. For certain minority groups, the tests would be made especially hard and a black person would almost never pass these tests. FDR spoke out against blacks being segregated from government jobs. "Black cabinets" or "black brain trust" became advisors of the president. William Hastie and Mary Leod Bethune were of the top names in this group of African Americans. They helped thousands to stay in school and learn new trades. With the help of Eleanor Roosevelt, many women took jobs at the White House. In 1936 the democratic convention declared that every platform should have an alternate of the opposite sex. The WPA hosted top jobs for women who worked in government. The most important of the women was Francis Perkins who became the first female cabinet member in the position of secretary of labor, and Florence Allen who was a judge of the circuit court of appeals.

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