
Evaporation Compared To A Bowling Ball

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(1) According to David Perkins, when a liquid is evaporating it's just molecules that are escaping into the air as a gas. In order for the molecules to be able to escape certain energy is needed,the molecule determines the amount of energy that's gonna be used. As an example he used the juggling of a tennis ball compared to a bowling ball. He says that it's gonna be harder to juggle a bowling ball because it has a bigger mass compared to the tennis thus causing more energy needed in the bowling ball. One of the factors affecting evaporation would be the mass of the molecules in the liquid. Another factor would be how stuck the molecules are together, if the molecules are stuck together and have a strong connection, evaporation would be much …show more content…

Evaporation is a crucial step to help the water cycle since without evaporation there would be no rain and no rain means no plants and no plants means no oxygen, meaning no us. Another thing apart from heat that helps evaporation is air pressure. If the pressure is high it means that water won't evaporate as fast, since the pressure pushes the molecules down making it hard for them to escape.

(4) In this article named How Relative Humidity Affects Evaporation written by Atula Gupta we discuss how relative humidity affects evaporation. Relative humidity the amount of water vapor in volume of air divided by the amount of air in that volume is called humidity. Depending on the temperature,the higher it is, it can increase the rate of evaporation and the amount of water vapor in the air. At a given temperature, there is a maximum amount of water vapor that air can hold and when the maximum capacity is reached the process of condensation

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