
Evidence Law and Audit Program Essay

Decent Essays

As corporate controller for Apollo Shoes, you are tasked to find and explain any irregularities in the Apollo Shoes Case.

Resource: Apollo Shoes Casebook
Define the process you will use and address the following assessed classroom discussion questions:

What procedures will be used to collect accounting evidence?
What sampling tools and techniques will be used for the examination?
How will you use analytical and inferential tools to evaluate accounting evidence?

Submit your assignment to the facilitator.

Note. APA formatting is not required for this assignment. Use a title and reference page where appropriate. Consider using a checklist or flowchart to outline your process.

There are many irregularities that can arise …show more content…


Substantive procedures for detecting irregularities in cash receipts include the following:

▪ review the cash receipts journal and master file for unusual transactions; ▪ trace cash receipts entries from the cash receipts journal entries to the bank statement; ▪ prepare a proof of cash receipts; ▪ obtain a...
Although every investigation case is unique, the investigation process is similar for most cases and usually consists of four stages: Goal Setting, Planning, Investigation and Evaluation. The investigation process starts with goal setting. Goal Setting sets the expectation and identifies the complainant’s goals as well as obtainable results and acceptable outcomes. “The effectiveness of every fraud investigator, in pursuing either criminal or civil fraud investigations, is ultimately judged by how closely—and consistently—she reaches or exceeds her investigative goals.”
Once the goals and expectation have been clearly defined, then an investigative plan is developed. Financial fraud investigations usually involves large amounts of data and information, an investigative plan focuses and controls the investigation and helps to manages the volumes of data gathered in an investigation.
The investigation process begins with intelligence gathering, these procedures includes database searches,

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