
Example Of American Exceptionalism

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Our nation’s history plays an important role in American society, it sets forth the foundation on which our morals and values are based on as Americans. If we truly are one united nation under God, and our morals and values are based on what history tells us, why is it then that there is so much disparity among the American people. One reason is that our history textbooks and what we are taught by educational leaders only emphasize American Exceptionalism. The history of our nation is not fully disclosed, it omits the nasty and ugly parts. It is time that the U.S. let their skeletons out of the closet, the truth needs to be told no matter how ugly or nasty it is. The period in history known as the Nadir of Race relations, 1890 through the1960’s between whites and blacks is a prime example of American Exceptionalism.
Bent on emphasizing American Exceptionalism, history textbooks tend to portray the history of African Americans as if not much happened during the Nadir of Race relations events. Nor do the history textbooks tell of the actual “evil” bestowed upon these African Americans in full effect. Evil is defined by Phillip Zimbardo in the video The Lucifer Effect and The Psychology of Evil is the exercise of power. “Power to intentionally harm people psychologically, to hurt people physically, to destroy people mortally, or ideas, and to commit crimes against humanity”. Good ordinary people committed heinous acts of evil against these African Americans. African Americans

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