
Examples Of Civil Disobedience

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“Get in trouble: good trouble, necessary trouble,” said US House Rep John Lewis, encouraging the use of peaceful protest against unjust policies. Civil disobedience, the opposition to unjust laws, is an example of peaceful resistance. From the Boston Tea Party to Lewis’ “good trouble,” civil disobedience and peaceful resistance are integral to the survival of a free society. It was essential in the creation of the United States, the advancement of equal rights, and continues to improve society. The United States government exists to protect the natural rights of its constituents, and civil disobedience holds it accountable for doing so.
After the 1763 end of the French and Indian War, Britain ended its policy of salutary neglect. To repay …show more content…

After fighting for America against racism and genocide, upon the end of the war, African Americans were returned to an inferior place in society. Segregation, both de facto and de jure, was legal and widespread. Many African Americans combatted this through civil disobedience. United States House Representative John Lewis is known for his life as a civil rights leader. He is rightfully very proud of the “good trouble” he has got into, including various sit-ins, arrests, and marches. His work, along with the work of others like him, was successful, leading to the end of segregation and the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. The importance of civil disobedience does not end in the Civil Rights Era. In 2016, John Lewis led a sit-in with House Democrats “to force votes on gun-control measures,” reminiscent of his actions over fifty years …show more content…

However, perceived injustices have ushered in a new era of protest which takes advantage of technology. The spirit of civil disobedience continues to be important in 2017. The day after President Trump’s inauguration, the Women’s March, the largest inaugural protest in American history, occurred. Americans and people around the world voiced their opinions against President Trump’s comments and proposed policies, which were viewed as discriminatory. After President Trump ordered the EPA not to make direct statements to the press, “resistance” Twitter accounts were created. Using the hashtag #resist, @AltUSEPA, @AltForestServ, and @AltNPS tweet directly to the public as public citizens rather than a government agency. Disagreeing with President Trump’s refusal to address climate change and environmental issues as well as his opposition to the Paris Climate Agreement, these citizens ensure their opposing views are broadcast. Similarly, after President Trump’s travel ban from seven Muslim-majority countries, which was later blocked with a national stay from a federal judge, Americans flooded major airports. They protested, imploring the President to “let them [those detained from the seven countries, including legal permanent residents]

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