
Examples Of Civil Disobedience

Decent Essays

All over the news these days, we see examples of what people call civil disobedience. However, we must first understand what civil disobedience truly is and when one can classify his behavior as an act of civil disobedience. Unjust laws are the motivating factor behind civil disobedience, because, “Everyone agrees that unjust laws exist. The question is whether we should be content to obey them, whether we should try to change them but obey until they are changed, or whether we should disobey them at once” (Thoreau pars 3). Civil disobedience is the act of defying a specific law or set of laws that one finds to be unreasonable according to God and one’s moral code. It is defensible to practice civil disobedience if one is defying an unjust law for a justified reason, if the offender is willing to accept the due consequences, and if the disobedience practiced is directly associated to the unjustified law. If any of these standards are not met or portrayed, than one’s action is not civil disobedience and is no longer justifiable. To …show more content…

To elaborate, if one finds a law doesn’t meet the moral law of society he cannot burn down buildings and or destroy property in anger and define it as an act of civil disobedience. In order to classify one's actions as civil disobedience, the actions must be a direct defiance of the specified law one calls unjust. If a law denies a person of their religious rights it is an act of civil disobedience to continue practicing their religion. However, if the subjected person were to murder someone out of rage of being oppressed his actions are only criminal and have no justification. There is no vindication for the disobeying of many laws that do not pertain to the unjust law. If one takes his lawbreaking to this extent there is no respect for the law and he is no longer valid in his reasoning of the unjust

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