
Examples Of Critical Incident Of A Teacher

Decent Essays

As a student, I have been inspired by a few teachers at both my primary and secondary schools to seek an interest in the teaching profession. One year after finishing secondary school where I obtained most of my passes I took some time to reflect back on my twelve years at school and the few critical incidents that have cultivated my thinking about teachers and teaching. Some incidents were positive and others negative, but all assisted to shape the type of teacher I want to be in the future! A few critical incidents that shaped my thinking were the first time I came first in a class, the evening I approached the lackadaisical teacher and the day where I was escorted out of class. At primary school I was not referred to as an “A” student until I entered standard three where Mr. Singh was my teacher. Personally, I considered him the ideal teacher; he had a …show more content…

I was honestly confused. When she came outside she told me that she was disappointed in me when she saw my mark for the subject and she knew that I am capable of so much and if I focused and stopped indulging in disruptive behaviour in class I could receive a high grade in all my subjects. I was surprised because it was the first time in secondary school a teacher showed me that they cared about me. I saw the hurt in her eyes when she talked to me. “Research suggests caring relationships with teacher’s help students do better in school and act more kindly toward others.” (Zakrzewski, 2012, para. 1) When a teacher truly shows interest in a student it means so much to that student. That evening I went home and analysed everything she told me and I had a new perspective about her, my education and my future. As a teacher, I will try to motivate all my students from early to insure that they have the right mindset to learn and to prepare for their

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