
Examples Of Dualism In Dracula

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Lucy is no longer perceived as a young girl full of life as her condition continues to worsen. Characters of the novel describe her as “not herself” and “The Thing” when she falls prey under the trance of Dracula. Notwithstanding, the same characters strip her of an identity even in her present consciousness, when she is her true self. Vanhelsing, Arthur and Dr. Seward customarily address Lucy with pet names and terms of endearment, the same way an adult would treat a child that denies their maturity. Although they appear to be affectionate on the surface, it is, in a way, a manipulation tactic, which I believe is being exercised by the male authoritative figures of the novel. The band of men take back control of the situation by consistently infantilizing her, revoking Lucy of her name and attributing …show more content…

Dualism can be defined as a division of two opposed aspects. Stoker uses the idea of duality as an element of horror in his novel, which might not be seen as scary to contemporary audiences, for Victorian audiences, it was a serious anxiety experienced. The idea of dualism was something people of the Victorian era were already familiar with prior to the novel’s publication. People of the Victorian period could not do much to change their position in the social class system, but they could have authority over their reputation. Members of British society at this point in history were heavily concerned with how they were perceived by others, especially members of the upper class. As aristocrats they had an image to uphold at all times. So, people would put on a social facade to impress their peers as a means of establishing a high reputation, keeping their true selves hidden behind the false front, hence where the idea of duplicity derives from. Such practice was primarily engaged by men, so for women to engage in that sort of dualism was considered by most explicitly unsettling, Stoker deliberately plays upon this fear in ‘Dracula’. Lucy shifts from innocent young

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