
Examples Of Fear In Native Son By Richard Wright

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Have you ever realized that in life, the only thing ever holding people back from what they want is their fear of not being good enough? The fear that develops slowly into a constant anxiety over every decision one makes as a result of fear that they’ll repeat their past mistakes over and over again. The novel, Native Son written by Richard Wright, depicts this aspect well as the actions of the main character, Bigger Thomas, a twenty-year old oppressed African American living in a white supremacist society in Chicago, is driven solely on his own fear. Bigger Thomas lives in a segregated society during the 1930s where it is standard for black people to be disdained by the white community. This causes him to feel oppressed and subjected by the white community surrounding him throughout the novel, as it is an event that he knows is inalterable despite how many people may feel about it. …show more content…

The events that occur in one's life connects with through the events in which Bigger Thomas fails to succumb to the fear surrounding his life as revealed when he realizes why he acts unruly whenever he is overwhelmed with anxiety, and when his fear drives him to smother a character, Mary Dalton, to death with a pillow in her own room. In addition, Bigger is also seen failing when he reacts fearful to the superior control that white people have in society, as well as when he realizes that his death sentence will be the downfall of the future he wanted

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