
Examples Of Guilt In The Crucible

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Guilt motivates the behaviors of characters. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, a group of young girls lie of being afflicted by witchcraft. They start to accuse people in the town leading to many innocent hangings which cause some characters internal and external conflicts. In the play guilt is a ubiquitous force that haunts the characters in the play. Reverend Hale, Mary Warren, Giles Corey, and John Proctor feel guilt and it motivates some of their behaviors. Reverend Hale is a dynamic character who starts to show guilt and remorse further into the trials. His first mission in Salem was to condemn the devil in hoping that will bring Betty back. He believed Abigail and the girls were innocent. When Rebecca Nurse was brought to court, Hale starts to doubt his believes in the witch trials. In John's trial Mr. Hale says, “I denounce these proceedings, I quite this court!”(III.1164). Hale feels guilty for starting hysteria in the town. He tries to go against the court but every defense is an act upon the court. During John's trials, Danforth is naive and believes the girls. …show more content…

Giles Corey mentioned to Reverend Hale about the strange books his wife, Martha have been reading. This caused Marth to become a victim and Giles Corey is in the court to save his wife. He states, “It is my third wife, sir; I never had no wife that be so taken with books, and I thought to find the cause of it, d’y’see, but it were no witch I blamed her for” (III.70). Giles Corey feels remorse for making Reverend Hale and the court think his wife as a victim and suspect her as a witch. All he wanted was the reason why she read the books because strange books is frowned upon in Puritan society. Now he feels he betrayed his trust with the wife. Chances are if he never mentioned it to Hale she wouldn't even been accused of being a witch. Just from the curiosity he had, his wife is now ordered to

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