
Examples Of Need Analysis

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According to Berwick (1989:52) need analysis cannot be clearly be stated as by replying to the question of ‘What is need analysis?’. Instead it requires a certain level of understanding to get more informed about the use and main motive behind need analysis. Need Analysis can be defined as a gap or measurable difference between the present and future state of affairs. That is what is happening is the past is analysed and measured and finally compared with what is expected to happen in the future so that the results are favorable. In our analysis Needs analysis is used in field of teaching English language education to the ESL students. Michael West first used the method of Need analysis for English language teaching through a survey report that was published in year 1926 (White, 1988). However in the coming years the Need analysis method was given lesser preference for the analysis purpose of the requirements for English language teaching purpose. This way special attention was given to achieve perfection in the English language teaching through basic elements of learning for the language. This included phonological unit, grammatical …show more content…

This way we will be able to figure out the usage and difference in the application of the quantitative method as against the qualitative methods. The questions that will be included in this research are like what are the factors that may predict the recruitment of the Mathematics teacher? What are the actual factors that affect the change in the learner’s performance at different time? This way the answers to these questions are further used as input data in the various statistical techniques to get the desired outcome in the form of prediction of various factors that affect the English Learning process. This may include teacher recruitment process, pay, learning environment

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