
Examples Of Tension In Act 1 Scene 1

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Every great scene as every movie or story follows a certain structure. Starting with an introduction, continues with progressive middle, and ends with the climax. Every character is coming into the scene with particular goals. These goals should ultimately collide with goals of another character in order to make the scene interesting. Changes in scenes and therefore changes in how the goals are being pursued are called scene beats. Your story will capture audiences only, if you have enough tension. Scene starts with Becca and Izzy. Becca comes through the door, holding a crème brulee and Izzy talks on the phone and from the conversation, is obvious, she knew the woman she punched earlier. Becca’s goal is to discover what actually happened in the bar and Izzy’s goal is to avoid that conversation. Before Becca confronts Izzy about the woman in a bar, they chatter for a little bit. …show more content…

Howie accused Becca of deleting his footage of Danny playing outside. Becca defends herself and says she didn’t. That’s the first beat. Tension between them two rises. The argument is moving towards a climax. Howie shifts his strategy and tries to come up with some counter argument. He thinks of the morning when Becca tried to find a number for a roof guy, but couldn’t and kept pressing the screen. Argument continues with series of counter arguments and then Howie again accuses Becca from deleting the video on purpose to get rid of memories about Danny. Situation changing action and second beat. Becca holds it together and Howie starts listing things she did to delete Danny from their life. Third beat comes when Becca actually admits the video was an accident. Revelation of new information happens. Argument is over and for the first time we see Howie completely lose it and that’s the end of the scene. This argument clears the tension between Howie and Becca that was building up throughout the story. They are both finally ready to move

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