
Excel Assessment

Decent Essays

By taking both the writing assessment and excel assessment I learned a few things I need to work on. Although I didn’t receive any feedback from the writing assessment I believe there are a few things I need to work on. I think I can use assistance with transitioning and sentence structure. As far as the Excel assessment the results were I need improvement. I use Excel a little bit at my job, so I am familiar with it I just think that there a few areas I can work on. I need help on formatting a worksheet as well as performing calculations. Excel is a bit intimidating, but it becomes easier as you use it.
Both these assessments are important to my success in this program as well as in my future career. Being able to know how to write as well as input data will help me to run my future business successfully. Excel will help me to organize everything that has to do with my business, so it is …show more content…

I plan to have something lined up by the time I graduate. I am now looking into different options for obtaining my private investigation license. I plan to be working on that still, perfecting my abilities as businessperson once I complete the MBA program. I need to get the experience in the field before I can obtain my license, so learning all I can during this process is a must.
I am planning to work a long side a private investigator in the next few months to see how everything is first hand. By working with someone who has their own private investigation agency it will give me the experience I need to run a good business. Looking into what services I want to provide, competition, cost, and many other things is something that I need to research before I can have my own business. It is important that I network with different people while I am in this program, so that I can have some resources. Gaining knowledge from those who are experienced is what I look forward to during this MBA program here at

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