
Exit Through The Gift Shop Essay

Decent Essays

Ingeniousness has always been pushed to the inhibitions in the media. In the film, “Exit Through The Gift Shop,” street art is the life-style. This film shows certain artists, but does not give full identity of these artists, aside from one, Banksy, the filmmaker. Which gives us the question, is this film a hoax or not?

Exit Through The Gift Shop follows the filmmaker, Theirry Guetta, who lives his life through a camera. After filming his life, he has discovered artists who have caught his interest in street art. Theirry Guetta follows these men around, recording them to make a final piece. Throughout the time he has taken to film these artists Theirry is abaft the camera. As an obnubilated character to all. While observing the street art world, Theirry had caught interest on different styles and engenderments of art. When learning incipient things, Theirry decided to make his own art and engender more and more each day. However, when he worked with Banksy, he earned his trust and secrets that were shared between the two. From the commencement of the film, Banksy verbalized that Theirry had no intentions to utilize the film or make his own art. Then, after weeks of filming Banksy, Theirry decided to engender …show more content…

He has issued to fixated on in, is the fact that the police never apprehended the artists as well as Theirry when vandalizing. When visually perceiving news footage in today’s world, if anybody gets caught with vandalizing they are customarily taken to jail without a caveat. However, in this particular film Theirry was out with Banksy as well as other street artists and they never got in trouble. Which leads to apostatizing as an unauthentically spurious film. When filming, Theirry caught on footage a police officer verbalizing to the artist, “Come here, Im not going to apprehend you.” This would never transpire in authentic life

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