
Expanding Disney Parks And Resorts

Better Essays

Expanding Disney Parks and Resorts to
New Orleans

The City of New Orleans is a remarkable city and has enormous potential for expansion.
The “Big Easy” has always been known for the French Quarter, yet New Orleans is so much more than just a “party city”. I suspect there is a demand to show the “family friendly” side of our city. My proposal is to offer new development in a vigilant and financially responsible manner, while offering a glimpse of the extraordinarily exciting and expansive visions that I hope to witness in the future. The market feasibility and infrastructure demands must both be carefully assessed. The objective of this tourism plan is to show the possibility of developing a
Disney Park and 2 Disney Resorts in New Orleans. While there have been notable failures and setbacks along its progress, New Orleans is an international tourist attraction. Visitors come here from all over the globe to witness our history and culture. My proposed plan will be evaluated based on current trends, possible investment, and future economic impact. Mixing our culture with a little Disney “magic” is just what the City of New Orleans needs.
Theme parks play an important role in generating revenue and tourism demand. They are one of the leading reasons people vacation to many destinations. The theme park market is very competitive and constantly growing. Walt Disney, creator of Disneyland and Disney World, knew he needed to create a “sustainable tourism” plan,

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