
Explain Why The Nhs Should Not Be Abolished Or Privatized

Decent Essays

The NHS has grown to become the world’s largest publicly funded health service system since 1948(, 2015).There are many issues and disputes in NHS. Nowadays,some people believe that the NHS should be abolished or privatized,because it can solve many issues with NHS.This essay agree that the NHS should not be abolished or privatized.

Firstly,some people endorse the NHS should be abolished or privatized.It would a effective way to reduce the government spending.It can also reduce the government financial pressure,but the government saved the money which will be paid by the most of citizen.People may go bankrupt as personal cost on medical care might increase whitch exceed range they can accept range.For example,this picture shows that …show more content…

no society can legitimately call itself civilized if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means.(Bevan, 1952)”It is unfair to these people which do not have enough money to afford healthcare.The poor people’s essential health right should be protected,not be hurt by other people which can afford the extra expensive private medical

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