
Fair Work Case Study

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The legal system plays a vital part in balancing the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees. The extents to which these rights and responsibilities are adequately balanced by the law are lacking in certain areas and as a result non-legal avenues of maintaining this equilibrium are pursued. The legal system attempts to provide sufficient guidance for workplace related issues in the reform brought about by the 2009 Fair Work Act (Cth) and the regulations it has implemented. However, whilst issues such as discrimination, safety, leave and Termination of employment highlight the significant deficiencies of the legal system, they also serve as evidence of the substantial effort of the law in providing justice for employees and employers. The legal system makes is vital to ensuring a safe and just environment in the workplace however further …show more content…

Discrimination in the workplace violates the central workplace value concerning equality of opportunity. The legal response to the contemporary issue of discrimination began with the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) which prohibited discrimination on the grounds of race, gender and marital status. Despite the effectiveness of these laws amendments and further acts have been introduced to ensure relativity and broaden personal characteristics protected from discrimination. The Equal Opportunity Act 2010 sets out 18 personal characteristics that make discrimination in employment against the law and has been relatively effective in ensuring equal opportunity within the workplace. However despite this certain issues still arise for example the decision of Fair Work Ombudsman v WKO Pty Ltd [2012] FCA 1129. The Federal Court imposed the penalty of $13,200 on a child care

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