
Fate : The King The Theme Of Fate

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In Oedipus the king the theme of fate is a crucial element that carries through the entire tragic play. It decides everything that leads up to the crucial events just like in real life, we each have a fate that we must meet.. No matter what, you can not escape your fate and pre determined destiny. His life was pre determined from birth and was given tragic life by the Gods. He was chosen for a specific reason to have this fate and learning how to cope and handle this throughout the play.

Fate is a crucial element that often occurs frequently in Greek writing. Throughout the play Oedipus tries to change his fate. He found out that no matter what he did that his fate was sealed and there was no escaping that fate. His fate was predicted down to, he would kill his father, Laius and marry and have sexual relations with his mother, Jocasta. Oedipus wants to invade this entire situation once he learns what his fate is told to be by three oracles. “OEDIPUS
Let the storm burst, my fixed resolve still holds,To learn my lineage, be it ne 'er so low.It may be she with all a woman 's pride Thinks scorn of my base parentage. But I Who rank myself as Fortune 's favorite child,The giver of good gifts, shall not be shamed. She is my mother and the changing moons My brethren, and with them I wax and wane. Thus sprung why should I fear to trace my birth? Nothing can make me other than I am. (1077-1086) (Shmoop).” Oedipus is trying his hardest to escape this fate.

Oedipus had a

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