
Essay about Faulkner's Condemnation of the South in Absalom, Absalom

Good Essays

Faulkner's Condemnation of the South in Absalom, Absalom

William Faulkner came from an old, proud, and distinguished

Mississippi family, which included a governor, a colonel in the Confederate

army, and notable business pioneers. Through his experiences from growing up in the old South, Faulkner

has been able to express the values of the South through his characters.

William Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom offers a strong condemnation of the

mores and morals of the South.

Faulkner's strong condemnation of the values of the South emanates

from the actual story of the Sutpen family whose history must be seen as

connected to the history of the South (Bloom 74). Quentin tells this …show more content…

To fulfill his quest, Sutpen

spends his entire life trying to repeat the past only to correct it (Bloom

38). He has a grand design to be the son who seized the power of his

father and then be the father to keep that same power from being seized by

his own son (Searle 23).

The first step of Sutpen's design includes marrying Eulalia Bon and

having a pure white son named Charles Bon. When Thomas Sutpen realizes

that Charles is partially Negro because of Eulalia's heritage, he rejects

them both and is forced to start his design over. This is Faulkner's way

of condemning racism in the South. Thomas Sutpen later marries Ellen

Coldfield and has a second son named Henry and a daughter named Judith.

Thomas Sutpen's design is nearly complete when Charles shows up from his

first marriage and falls in love with Judith, nearly uniting the two

families. This incestuous relationship causes Henry Sutpen to kill Charles

Bon to save his family from miscegenation. Using incest in this novel is

another way that Faulkner condemns the mores and morals of the South.

Thomas Sutpen tries two more times to fulfill his design by trying

to have a pure white son and refusing to let that son seize the power that

he had successfully seized from his father.

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