
Fdr Advocate For The American People Analysis

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The American History provides a predicament between the actions and different point of views of President Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR),in the new deal to save the American people during the Great Depression of the 1930s. In David M. Kennedy essay “FDR: Advocate for the American People” describes the difference between these two presidents, and also explains how the New Deal proposed by President Roosevelt help to deal with the chaos that whats’ happening at the time. The President FDR played an important role in bring reforms, and changing the way of life for many Americans. The New Deal stressed recovery through planning and cooperation with business, but also tried to aid the unemployment and reform the economic system. …show more content…

People lost their life’s savings, their homes and farms. In his first broadcast on the radio Roosevelt speech, declared that “This great Nation will endure as it has endured , we will revive and will prosper the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. Heeding the nation to call for action, and action now he promise to exercise broad executive power to wage a war against the emergency. The first step was to save the banks. During his first hundred days as president, FDR ordered all banks to closed to stop people from withdrawing money from the banks, until congress meeting into special session. On March 9 congress passed Roosevelt’s Emergency Banking Act, in which recognized the banks and closed the ones there were insolvent. Banks would re open immediately with government support, and the ones that were insolvent would be handed over to federal conservators who would guide them to solvency. The President urged Americans to put their savings back to the bank, when banks re open the next day, deposits exceed withdrawals. Saving the banks and financial markets meant little if human suffering continue. One work relief program proposed by FDR was the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). This program consist to employed hundreds of thousands of young men from relief rolls, and sent them into the woods and fields to plant trees, build parks and fight soil erosion. During its ten years put more than three million young men with jobs. The need to alleviate starvation led Roosevelt to proposed a new giveaway program. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) which consist in gave grants to the states to operate relief programs.The main goal of the program was to alleviate unemployment by creating new unskilled jobs in local and state government. The Social Security Act, and unemployment insurance were incorporated in a separate piece of legislation. The Social Security Act sought

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