
Fear Of Immigrants Essay

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Is Our Fear Of Immigrants Relevant? Immigration has been present in America for a very long time, but recently people have developed a fear for immigration that is uncalled for. This prejudice against immigrants can possibly be traced to every humans natural instincts. Human instinct allows us to be protective of resources that are available to us and causes us to worry when resources must be shared with more people than what someone is used to. Because of this people get stressed out when others “intrude” and cause resources to seem less available than they usually are. But in reality the modern world has resolved any problem like this. In America food is more than readily available and there is no reason to worry about resources becoming …show more content…

Then from 1910 to 1920 the Mexican Revolution greatly increased the flow of immigrants. From 1910 to 1920 the amount of immigrants increased from 20,000 migrants a year to 50 to 100,000 a year (Young, How Mexican Immigration to the US Evolved). The increase in immigrants would continue to rise throughout the years with only brief moments that would decrease the flow. But in more modern times immigration is having a lot of trouble because of new immigration policies. America is trying it’s best to slow down the flow of immigrants and is causing more problems than they had before. America has such a large amount of illegal immigrants that it’s nearly impossible to catch them all. When the do find an illegal it causes a large amount of problems because the immigrant is torn from their new home and the new life that they have created for themselves. It doesn’t only create problems for the specific person but also for everyone they’ve met in America. They are greatly missed when they are sent back to Mexico and it causes unrest and disappointment in America for the ones who do stay. Immigration to the United States should be made easier and less restrictive for people who are looking for a new life. America is the land of the free and is a place for opportunities. All these people want are opportunities to be successful and support themselves and their

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