
Fertility, Family Planning and Income

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Fertility is one of the main issues discussed when talking about the demography of the United States. The U.S. economy plays a rather large role in the rising and falling patterns of the country’s fertility rate. In many past occurrences of economic hardship in the country fertility levels had decreased. One of the main reasons for that being in times of financial struggle, men and women are less likely to want to have children. Being able to support a family is already a difficult task but when people are getting laid off from jobs, unemployment rates are increasing, and the economy is struggling many people can barely afford to buy necessities for themselves never mind for an entire family. An extended decrease in fertility levels could …show more content…

The remaining four articles are scholarly, peer-reviewed articles that I found related to my topic. The article “The Economic Explanation of Fertility Changes in the United States” from volume 25 of Population Studies was published by Alan Sweezy. This was a very informative article about the most common explanation of fertility changes. That being when the economy is stable, fertility will be high, and when it is not, fertility will be low. This article is useful to my paper because of how it relates economical factors to the issue of fertility. The author includes charts relating the total fertility rate to the gnp per capita using information from the U.S. Bureau of the Consensus. This provides me with more concrete evidence and the numbers to show that the economy does in fact alter the rate of fertility in the United States.
My second article was from the chapter on Human Capital, Fertility, and Economic Growth from “Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education (3rd Edition)” written by Gary S. Becker. The author makes some good points about how human capital, fertility, and economic growth are all intertwined and he provides very detailed charts and formulas to prove his thesis. I thought his research was useful in proving my own thesis that fertility rates are influenced in some way by the economy of a country. The author explains that men and

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