
Financial Risks Of The Financial Risk Of Companies Listed Onthe Securities Market Essay

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1. Introduction Financial risk is a major concern world-wide and there are numerous studies to support the necessity to investigate it. Lee (2006) defines financial risk as the additional risk that the firm’s stockholders bear when the firm is financed with debt as well as equity. Clarke (2010) explains that the recent turmoil, bank-runs, global equities sell-off and the “credit crunch” demonstrate sophisticated and interconnected nature of the financial markets making the seemingly localized problem to become a global financial risk. This reiterates the importance of studying the financial risk of companies listed onthe securities market. Studies show that a financial crisis although not explained by any one single cause, emanates from poor financial management which eventually spreads to other areas of the economy (McGuigan, McNally & Wyness, 2012). Studies on the developing countries indicate that it is necessary to change policies and controls in financial risk management. Gemech, et al. (2011) point to the impact of high uncertainty of commodity prices on financial risk management in developing countries as an effort to prevent or reverse the deterioration in their balance of trade, and mitigate short term volatility. 2. Background The Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) individually and cumulatively affects the economy of Kenya. DiBella (2011) points out that an inadequate number of investors

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