
Fixing The System: Can We Stop Immigration?

Decent Essays

Immigration has been a hot button topic for years, however just recently it has become one of the main sources of discussion for GOP debates and other less formal conversations and interviews. Suggestions on how to deal with it range from mass deportation to a big wall to stopping immigration completely. Yet with all this talk about how it is ‘destroying’ our country and what to do about it, not many people are really talking about about the immigrants themselves. When dealing with issues that pertain humans, no one can take a sociopathic side. This idea is brought up in both the video “Fixing the System” and the poem “Immigrants in Our Own Land”. Both sources bring up the argument that immigrants, including the ones who are here illegally, …show more content…

For example, caring for our families is a primal instinct and is still prevalent in the contemporary world. This love for our relatives is shared by just about all U.S. citizens and immigrants. Also, many have goals and dreams they aspire to attain, another human trait we all share. Next, many immigrants hold no ill will towards the US, in fact many want to serve in the military, yet another attribute immigrants and patriotic Americans share. Although, even with both these sources, there are still limitations. With the poem, it makes it seem that all immigrants end up in jail or poverty which, fortunately, isn't exactly true. The Center for American Progress states that “In 2012, 19.1 percent of immigrants lived in poverty”. Showing that some immigrants end up in a good situation, but 19 percent is still a substantial number that should be addressed. And in the video, one limitation that Obama has, is that he only talked to a few immigrants and there are bound to be other perspectives that he has not seen with the concentrated group of he interviewed. In the end, people who want to fix the US immigration problems, requires people to know the basic statistics and lives of those who will be affected. Now, some may say that emotions cloud rational judgements. However, we are humans. Human are beings of emotion. So to detach from emotions is to detach from humanity. So why would we want a emotionless, inhuman, creature making our decisions? Decisions about humans. We don’t. A human problem needs a human to fix it. Therefore, sociopathy is not the answer to our problems. Looking at all the perspectives and facts, and sticking to one’s humanity,

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