
Flannery O Connor's The Good Man Is Hard To Find

Decent Essays

In The Good Man Is Hard to find tells a story about a family that takes a road trip from Georgia to Florida. Along the way they encounter some deep trouble that leads to tragedy. This story is told from the grandmother’s point of view about how people can become bad or good in any given circumstance. Also along the way the grandmother keeps lying to her family about places she visited as a child. These events that the author takes you through shows examples of devastation of a cold hearted individual. Ultimately the author was trying illustrate that no matter how nice you are people will take your kindness for weakness. For that said you have to watch your back no matter where you go.

Sitting around thinking about life a grandmother tries …show more content…

Although driving with her family for hour’s bailey grandmother started to has vision of her childhood and where she grew up at.
Despite talking for a long time she starts to discuss picking cotton by nearby graves on this big plantation near her son’s hometown Georgia.
After all going down the road bailey family stops by a nearby gas station.
Although having conversation with store owner he complains that people are liars and very untrustworthy.
Ultimately letting two men get free gas with no money at all, the grandmother said you did a good deed and you are a good man for that.
Back in the car taking a deep sleep for about a couple of hours she realizes the plantation she once remembered was very close by.
Consequently convincing her family to take a visit to the plantation, they head off the road to a nearby dirt road.
Going along the dirt road bailey grandmother cat finally reveals herself causing the car to crash alongside some woods.
Being stranded in middle of nowhere a car stops with three men inside.
Being afraid for her life the grandmother recognizes that the people that are holding her family hostage is the misfits she seen in the article the previous

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