
Flat Tax

Decent Essays

Flat Tax Rate: Rich Households Have Had Enough Rich households have been paying too much in taxes these past years. “Earners in the top 1% pay about 43% of their incomes in tax. [While] people in the middle quintile pay 25%. [And] the poorest fifth pays 13%” (Barro). And yet some politicians, like Donald Trump, think the solution to resolving our country’s debt is by taxing the top percent more. In reality, the United States should have a flat tax rate due to the fact that it is the fairest plan and the hard work pertained by the top percent should be valued. The way flat tax rate works is that everyone gets taxed the same percentage regardless of their income. For example, lets say a “poor” man makes $50,000 yearly , while a “rich” man …show more content…

It is also used of resources such as building schools, roads, paying government employees but the fact of the matter is that its all for the public. Why should you make high-income citizens pay for things that everyone is using. We should all put in the same amount of money that goes into these projects, since after all there for everyones use. Why would you penalize people that worked hard for their money when everyone else had the opportunity to do so. Even if its old money, someone struggled to gather that money, the government cannot just take that away. Being rich is rare privilege, not fairly common, if not it would not feel so unique. With the method we have now we are just going to balance everyones finances out, we need a diverse income for our population. If not people will not have any ambition, not strive. A country has to create riches, not distribute them if they do the economy as we know it will go in a decadence. Those that are in the highest class have studied and trained so hard to where they are. Most of them have corporations in which provide work, if a flat tax was issued those same corporations would have more resources to expand their business to create more job. With the rate our tax plans are going corporations are going no other option then lay people

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