
Florida State University Scholarship Essay

Decent Essays

Growing up in poverty meant always being in a pinch for money. This led me to my decision of seeking a job within the first month of my freshman year in high school. Thankfully, this decision led me to the precious self-taught skill of time management. I was able to build my skills until my sophomore year. I tried to take on more shifts at work than I could handle, in aspiration of saving up for a car, and consequently my grades began to slip. I acquired my first C in my favorite class: Chemistry. Being an aspiring student in the medical field, and a student who prides themselves on their grades, I was devastated. As a result, I soon reached the epiphany that one has to have priorities in life; I chose mine to be education. I discussed with my boss my situation and she gave me a set schedule of a doable 4 days a week. This allowed me to do my homework and studying in advance. This also permitted me to get enough sleep, …show more content…

Growing up in poverty not only made me the person I am today, it made me want a better version of myself for my future self and family. This is a goal I know I could achieve through continuing my education to Florida State University. I believe I would benefit from the community at Florida State University because I would be surrounded by other students who want to improve their academic career and lives, as they willingly attend to pursue their chosen degrees. Also, I’ll be able to immerse myself in clubs and organizations that consist of people who share the same dream of a career in science and medicine. The community at Florida State University will benefit from me because not only do I work my hardest, I have the dedication, and confidence, to succeed in anything I set my mind to. Working hard at my job and school, allowed me gain experience with time management, discover my dedication to education, and discover my dream college: Florida State

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