
Essay about Fluctuations in External Stability

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Economics PAT “Analyse the causes and effects of fluctuations in Australia’s external stability”. Achieving external stability is an important objective of economic policy, achieving this stability ensures that imbalances in Australia’s economic relationships with other economies do not hinder achieving domestic economic policy goals such as lower rate of unemployment, higher rate of growth and lower inflation. There are three main factors that effect external stability the deficit on the current account (CAD), net foreign liabilities and the Australian dollar. Australia’s experienced times when overseas investors decided that the economy’s external position was unstable, and when investors like such decide to withdraw their …show more content…

An increase on the debt will lead to an increase in interest payments, these interest payments constitute a large part of primary income debits that flow out on the current account, therefor todays foreign debt adds to future CADs. Australia’s net foreign debt to GDP ratio has grown dramatically during the period of globalisation. After rapid growth in the 1980s’ foreign debt stabilised at roughly 35% of GDP, this was party due to a higher level in asset sales being used to fund the CAD instead of increased debt. Debt began to increase again the late 1990’s, this was due to a decrease in the value of the Australian dollar, because most of our debt had been borrowed in foreign currency’s, the depreciation increased the Australian dollar value of our foreign debt. The slower rate of growth in debt and overall liabilities in the past few years reflect the lower level of current account deficits. The growth in net foreign debt has eased slightly since the global financial crisis of 2008-09 but is now around 50% of GDP. In the long term the increase of foreign debt can lead to a debt sustainability problem, if Australia becomes overwhelmed with debt the economy will find it hard to service current debts. If the size of the debt is rising faster then the increase of GDP the interest payments on the debt will progressively

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